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  1. Exporting mdoc Repositories to Microsoft XML Documentation - Jonathan Pryor's web log
    1. Exporting mdoc Repositories to Microsoft XML Documentation

Exporting mdoc Repositories to Microsoft XML Documentation - Jonathan Pryor's web log

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Exporting mdoc Repositories to Microsoft XML Documentation

Previously, we discussed how to write documentation and get it into the documentation repository. We also discussed exporting the documentation into static HTML files using mdoc export-html. Today, we'll discuss mdoc export-msxdoc.

mdoc export-msxdoc is used to export the documentation within the mdoc repository into a .xml file that conforms to the same schema as csc /doc. This allows you, if you so choose, to go entirely to externally managed documentation (instead of inline XML) and still be able to produce your Assembly.xml file so that Visual Studio/etc. can provide code completion against your assembly.

There are two ways to invoke it:

$ mdoc export-msxdoc Documentation/en
$ mdoc export-msxdoc -o Demo.xml Documentation/en

The primary difference between these is what files are generated. Within each Type.xml file of the mdoc repository (e.g. ObjectCoda.xml) is a /Type/AssemblyInfo/AssemblyName element.

The first command (lacking -o Demo.xml) will generate a set of .xml files, where the filenames are based on the values of the /Type/AssemblyInfo/AssemblyName element values, in this case Demo.xml. Additionally, a NamespaceSummaries.xml file is generated, containing documentation for any namespaces that were documented (which come from the ns-*.xml files, e.g. ns-Cadenza.xml).

The second command (which specifies -o Demo.xml) will only generate the specified file (in this case Demo.xml).

For this mdoc repository, there is no actual difference between the commands (as only one assembly was documented within the repository), except for the generation of the NamespaceSummaries.xml file. However, if you place documentation from multiple assemblies into the same mdoc repository, the first command will properly generate .xml files for each assembly, while the latter will generate only a single .xml file containing the documentation from all assemblies.

Next time, we'll cover mdoc assemble.

Posted on 12 Jan 2010 | Path: /development/mono/mdoc/ | Permalink
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