Two Wonderful Years - Jonathan Pryor's web log
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Two Wonderful Years
Thank you Amber for a wonderful two years of marriage, and thank you for bringing us Sarah. She's a joy to behold. She's also going to co-op the rest of this entry. :-)
Sarah has enjoyed sleeping in my arms. She's the cutest thing, and she's been doing this for quite some time. Here she is, two weeks old (on May 8th):
Sarah is also staring at everything in sight, as should be expected, at 2 weeks 2 days (on May 10th):
Normally she sleeps in a bassinet, as this makes it easier to move her around the house without actually waking her. In theory, anyway... (One month, 4 days old on May 28th):
When we really need her to sleep, we put her in The Chair. This wonderful rocker has a battery-operated vibrator, which helps put her to sleep (on June 4, at 1 month 1.5 weeks old):
We also take her on walks with us. The stroller is too cumbersome most of the time, since there are few sidewalks in the area, so we carry her in a baby carrier (1 month 2 weeks old, on June 7th):
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